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Wonder Free Unit-Part 2

Writer's picture: Erica MargaretErica Margaret

Updated: Feb 13

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This post is the continuation of "Wonder Free Unit-Part 1."

Day 10


Go over Wonder words by having students say them out loud to a partner and then play a few rounds of Pictionary on scrap paper or whiteboards.

  • disappoint 

  • terrible 

  • exaggerate 

  • imitate 

  • hysterical 

  • cranky 

  • petrified 

  • ignore 

  • anomaly

Journal: Who was your favorite teacher in middle or high school? Why?

Reading Time

  • Read/listen pages 45-53 of Wonder and pay attention to the new character, Summer.


The checklist asks students to identify characteristics that Summer does or does not have.

Day 11


  • Vocabulary quiz (paid product)

Wonder Set 1 Vocabulary Quiz
Wonder Set 1 Vocabulary Quiz

 Reading Time

  • Read/Listen to chapters “One to Ten” through “Padawan”. 


Journal: Write about a time someone did something incredibly nice or helpful for you. (50-100 words)

Day 12


Introduce new vocabulary. I did not do much with the vocabulary this round but even doing a vocabulary preview is worth the time.

Introduce Annotating

Introduce annotating by explaining that "annotating" is writing on writing. Briefly review the previous vocabulary words and ask the students to write the words on Post-Its: 

  • cranky 

  • anomaly 

  • impatient

  • petrified 

  • hysterical

  • terrible

While they are reading, they should match each word to a situation that matches its definition.

Reading Time 

  • Listen to pages 61-70 of Wonder

  • Match each vocabulary word with an example of it by putting your sticky note in the book.  

After Reading

  • Make sure you have matched all of your words to a situation in the book. 

  • Fill in the sentence starters., where students need to explain why they put their Post-Its where they did.

Day 13

Class Share-out: What are you going to be for halloween? What have you been in the past?

  • Q: What do people do on Halloween? 

  • Go over the halloween costumes in the story since kids might not know them: Halloween Costumes in Wonder

Reading Time

  • Read/Listen to pages 76-80 of Wonder


After this section, I had students write a letter about how he should handle the situation with Jack.

Day 14

Opening question: When you are mad, what do you do to calm down?

Reading Time

For this section of Wonder, I focused on the idea of "forgiveness"

Read/Listen to the assigned pages and answer the questions. 

  • "Jack"

  • “Four Things”

  • “Ex-Friends” 

  • “In Science”

  • “Partners”

-Journal: If you were August, would you forgive Jack? Why or why not? (Forgive: to stop blaming; to not be mad at someone anymore) 

Day 15

For the "text message section" of Wonder, I wanted to focus on the topic of friendship and what makes a good friend.

Before Reading Wonder

Before reading this section, I gave students this "Friendship Sort" and asked them to sort out the listed actions by what a good friend would do and what a bad friend would do.

We then read this article from titled "How to be a Good Friend."

After the read the article, we revisited the sort and talked about what kids put where. This activity helped to prepare the kids to listen to the next section and analyze Jack & Auggie's friendship.

Wonder Reading Time

  • Read text message section. (I thought listening to this particular section in the audiobook was tedious to I prefer to have kids read it.)

After Reading

Day 16

At this point in the unit, I stopped to do some character review and give the kids a reading quiz. I asked the students to complete one of the review options below and then I gave them some questions from my unit test. The unit test is one long multiple choice test for Wonder (paid product), but I use chunks of the questions throughout the unit as needed instead of doing one long test as the end.

Character Review Options

1. Movie recommendations:Choose 5 characters from the list below. From all the movies you’ve seen in the last couple of years, recommend a movie for each character. You can use Google, too. Give a brief summary of each movie and explain why you think the character should see it. or why they would enjoy it.  Create on a Google Doc.

2. Music: Choose 5 characters from the list below. Look through your music collection on your phone or computer. Choose a song that you think matches each character. Give a brief summary of each song and explain why you think  it matches the character. Create on a Google Doc.

3. Super Heroes or Video Game Characters: Choose 5 characters from the list below and choose a hero or video game character that matches their personalities. Include a picture of the hero or video game character and explain your choice. Create on a Google Doc.

4. Choice: Come up with your own creative project that will show us that you understand the at least 5 characters in Wonder.

5. Birthday card: Create a birthday card for August and write him a letter in which you use 5-7 words from the word wall. 

Characters in Wonder 


-August’s mom 

-August’s dad 






-Mr. Tushman 

-Ms. Petosa 

-Mr. Brown 

Wonder Multiple Choice Test

Wonder Multiple Choice Test
Wonder Multiple Choice Test

Day 17

Opening Question: What do you not like about the book, Wonder?


For vocabulary, I assigned each student a word from our 2nd set of vocabulary and ask them to fill in this "Word Expert" handout. Students presented their "expert findings" to the class over the course of the next few class periods.

Reading Time

  • Summarize previous reading on scrap paper)

  • Listen to pages 168-174 (or wherever you previously left off)

  • Stop for Question: How is Jack’s return to school going? 

  • Continue reading/listening through page 179

After Reading

Writing: Jack is experiencing some pretty crazy stuff, and I thought to myself. "This can’t be real." I want you to respond to the following prompt: 

  • How accurate is Wonder in depicting real life in school?  Provide at least 3 examples to prove your point. 

Day 18

Vocabulary: Word Expert Share Out

  • Have two "word experts" share out what they learned about their word.

Before Reading

In this activity, students create a symbol for each of the main characters and list a movie the character might enjoy.

Share out: Who is your favorite character in your choice book or Wonder, and why?

Reading Time (big chunk)

  • Read from 208-225

  • Add to brainstorm that students started yesterday in response to the prompt: How accurate is Wonder in depicting real life in school? 

Day 19

Vocabulary: Word Expert Share Out

  • Have two "word experts" share out what they learned about their word.

Opening Question: What sorts of field trips have you been on?

Reading/Listening Time

  • Listen to pages 225-256


Write about a great field trip or a terrible field trip that you have been on. Explain what made it great or terrible. (150-200 word)

Day 20

Vocabulary: Word Expert Share Out

  • Have two "word experts" share out what they learned about their word.

Opening share-out (Time-20 minutes)

  • Write about something that was important to you when you were little.


  • Tell your group members and teacher about a great or awful field trip that you went on.

  • Read: 257-264

Day 21

Vocabulary (20 minutes)

  • Start creating a comic (I usually give them two vocab sessions to do this...or more)

  • Use 3 or 4 vocabulary words from this unit.

  • Check your capitalization and punctuation!

  • Underline the words.

Before Reading

At this point in the book we focused on bullying. I used resources from I lectured on the types of bullies and had students take notes. Afterwards, kids had to read a scene in Wonder and analyze the types of bullies present. I use this lesson for multiple books.


Reading Time

  • Read/listen: 261- top of 269

Days 22 & 23

Vocabulary (20 minutes)

  • Continue working on your vocabulary comic

Before Reading

Reading Time

  • Give print out of 265-269 “Alien” to “Voices in the Dark”

  • Give kids the "bullying handout." This has all of the terms in case they did not get all of the notes the previous lesson.

  • Have students get 6 colored pencils, crayons, or markers. They will need blue, green, purple, red, yellow, and pink.

  • While they are reading pages 265-269 in Wonder, students will highlight the actions of the different characters in different colors:

    • Blue= Kid who bullies

    • Green=Kids who are bullied

    • Purple=Kids who assist

    • Red=Kids who reinforce

    • Yellow=Outsiders/bystanders

    • Pink=Kids who defend

  • Complete the first page with students until they understand what to do, and then let them complete the next few pages with a partner or on their own.

Day 24

Writing Time

  • Prompt: In your own words, explain the different bullying “roles” that at least 3 characters played in this scene. Provide examples to support your answer. 

Reading Time

Days 25 & 26 -The End of the Book

End of Book

 Final Quiz 

Choose questions as needed to create a final reading check.

Wonder Multiple Choice Test
Wonder Multiple Choice Test

At this point, I was very tired and needed a movie break. The movie is as adorable as the book and I felt zero guilt showing it.

Wonder The Movie
Wonder The Movie

Days 27 & 28-Writing & Wrap Up

Because I am a masochist, I had the kids write an essay after reading the book. The prompt was: What makes you a wonder? Because my self-contained students are often struggling readers and writers, all writing needs to be scaffolded.

We started by brainstorming the things that made each student unique. For kids with low self-esteem that struggle with school, this was an extremely hard list for them to make. My coteachers and I helped by telling kids who were stuck all of the good things about them. Normally I let kids sweat for a while before I help them (better for learning), but I didn't want to leave them hanging with this particular activity

After each kid came up with AT LEAST 3 ideas (if not 5-10), we moved them onto the outline. The outline was for a basic 5-paragraph essay.

Lastly, students had to type up the essay.

When they finished typing their essay, we asked them to write something nice about each of their classmates on a sheet of paper. I collected these and vetted them before redistributing to other students.

In the comments, please tell me all the amazing ways in which you chose to wrap up this unit.

I hope you enjoyed this free unit for R.J. Palacio's Wonder.

Texts Connected to Wonder

...there are so many good ones...

Marcelo in the Real World by Francisco X. Stork
Marcelo in the Real World by Francisco X. Stork

Stuck in Neutral by Terry Trueman
Stuck in Neutral by Terry Trueman

Stargirl by Jerry Spinelli
Stargirl by Jerry Spinelli

Marcelo in the Real World is about a 17-year-old boy with Autism whose father wants him to get out into the world. Instead of sending Marcelo to camp for the summer, his father brings him to his law office to work. Similar to Auggie, he struggles to fit in and has to learn to survive in the real world, not the sheltered one his parents have created for him.

Themes of acceptance. Sean's father is not sure that Sean has a high quality of life. Sean has severe Cerebral Palsy and cannot communicate, but he has a rich inner life that no one knows about. He wishes that everyone could understand he has the same hopes and dreams as everyone else.

Stargirl is a good one. If you haven't read it, pull out your hanky and download it right now. Stargirl is a free spirit and faces a lot of bullying at her school because of it.

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